Regulating to meet consumers’ needs (UK)
The Financial Conduct Authority’s proposed approach to ensuring it regulates in a way that truly helps consumers is set out in a consultation on the first of the series of documents, which – as promised in its ‘mission’ – will explain in depth its approach to regulation.
‘Our Future Approach to Consumers’, which includes links to a 4 minute video and an online response form, explains that FCA’s ultimate aims are to see markets where
- high-quality, good value products and services that meet consumers’ needs are available
- consumers can buy the products and services they need and the way in which they are sold is clear, fair and not misleading
- the needs of vulnerable consumers are taken into account
Its approach to achieving these aims takes account of the following core issues
- a starting point where firms treat customers fairly and customers take reasonable responsibility for their decisions about the financial products they buy
- consumers in vulnerable circumstances may be significantly less able than the average customer to represent their own interest
- changes such as new technologies are having an impact on the ways in which both firms and consumers take decisions
- the FCA, firms and stakeholders need to work together to tackle problems of access to, and exclusion from, financial services
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