
Risk-based monitoring for spring water and bottled drinking water (E)

Spring water and bottled water intended for human consumption will be mainly affected by a European amending directive that introduces risk-based monitoring and new methods of chemical and microbiological analysis in order to bring the current EU statutory quality monitoring regime into line with international requirements.

While the current directive (EC 98/83/EC) already allows member states less frequent sampling under certain circumstances, it is not applicable to bottled drinking water, which has a separate monitoring regime that takes account of volumes of production.

‘Implementing EU Directive 2015/1787 on the safety and quality of Spring Water and Bottled Drinking Water for Human Consumption’ should therefore reduce the amount of monitoring required in many cases by introducing risk-based monitoring that recognises it is sometimes unnecessary to monitor all the parameters.

As a result of the amendments, a table in Annex II of the current directive setting out minimum frequencies for ‘check’ and ‘audit’ monitoring for both spring and bottled water is now obsolete and has been removed.

The Defra website links to both the existing and amending directives.

In the UK, water for human consumption is covered by different statutory regimes for public water supplies (which govern supply from water companies), private water supplies (which mostly govern naturally occurring supplies) and bottled drinking water (which EU law classifies as food).


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