Wages surge amid rising employment

Wages surge amid rising employment. 14th August 2019. Wages surged amid rising employment according figures released by the Office for National Statistics. Pay is rising at the fastest rate in 11 years with a record number of workers in employment. 
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Storm clouds gather over British Economy.

Storm clouds gather over British Economy. 9th July 2019. The business news has made grim reading in the last 24 hours, as the storm clouds gather over the British Economy Employment outlook dips BDO analysis shows Britain’s employment outlook fell
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Bank of England cuts growth predictions after “weak” six months

Bank of England cuts growth predictions after “weak” six months 28/06/2019 The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the Bank of England  has warned of a weakening outlook for the UK economy, as ongoing political uncertainty threatens to impact trade for
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UK hit by a cold front – literally and financially

UK hit by a cold front – literally and financially James Salmon 21st June 2019. May was miserable and June hasn’t been much better. It seems the traditional April showers have decided to settle and make a summer of it.
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Revamped Business Finances Could Revive Slow Economy

Revamped Business Finances Could Revive Slow Economy 25th May 2018. Almost all parts of Britain’s economy slowed down in the first three months of the year, official figures have confirmed, with investment falling and exports failing to give growth a
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