24th November 2017.
Tech Firms Commit To Diversity
Almost 100 companies have now signed the Tech Talent Charter, committing to improving diversity within tech through implementing inclusive hiring practises, releasing diversity reports and more.
The Tech Talent Charter, which was first launched two years ago, comprises a series of pledges designed to encourage more diversity within the tech industry.
The Charter is backed by a board of directors and a steering committee made up of representatives from the various businesses and organisations that have pledged to uphold its values and principles. 90 companies have now signed the Charter, including Nationwide, HPE, HP Inc. and Monster.
Matt Hancock, the government’s Minister of State for Digital, spoke of the Charter’s importance at a recent conference celebrating the news.
“I believe very strongly that you can’t catch all the fish if you only fish in half the pool,” he said. “And it’s important that we make sure everybody has the opportunity to fill those jobs that are increasingly available”.
TechUK president Jacqueline de Rojas pointed out that a larger and more diverse pool of talent will help address the country’s growing skills shortage.
Tech Talent Charter CEO Debbie Forster announced in the conference that her aim is to get 500 organisations signed up to the charter by this time next year.
Forster and the other directors are aiming to encourage many more SMEs and startups to get involved with the Charter. Charter director Sinead Bunting said that getting them engaged with the Charter’s mission early on can have a huge impact.
At the event, industry professionals offered advice to SME business leaders on how to enhance diversity in their company.
The general consensus was that the initial step is showing willing. TechUK president Jacqueline de Roja advised appointing a dedicated person whose job it is to engage with the Charter and other matters of diversity.
Other spokespeople suggested getting hiring right was the answer.
Tech London Advocates founder Russ Shaw encouraged using ‘blind hiring’ to uncover talent without issues like age or gender getting in the way. Diversity has been a point of attention for years and some employers are quick to appear inclusive without much thought. HPE’s EMEA vice president of HR, Jane Keith criticised employers who force quotas on their recruitment process and similarly discouraged promoting workers based on minority status.
The cavalry’s not coming, so my advice is every company – large or small – should sign up, because it matters,” de Rojas told the audience. “Every company that cares about technology talent should be on that list, and the reason they should be on the list is because technology talent is the currency of the future.”
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