How well is park home licensing and legislation working? (E)
Local authority licensing of park homes and the procedures for selling them, making site rules and reviewing pitch fees are key issues in Part 2 of the ‘call for evidence’ held as part of the government’s commitment to review the impact of significant changes made by the Mobile Homes Act 2013 to the existing regime.
Other issues highlighted by the Dept for Communities and Local Government in Part 2 of its Call for Evidence include
- whether ‘fit and proper’ controls need to be applied in the sector
- whether it is more appropriate to use the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or the Retail Price Index (RPI) when carrying out a pitch fee review
‘Review of park homes legislation: call for evidence part 1’ links to separate documents setting out the text of Part 1* – which focused on the fairness of charges, the transparency of site ownership and experience of harassment – and a summary of responses.
A third document setting out part 2 of the Call for Evidence is accessed via a link in the final paragraph of the webpage.
The government response to both part 1 and part 2 will be published in 2018.
* ‘Review of Park Homes Legislation (E)’, CPA News, 20 April 2017.
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