Lock-down 2.0 – business news 2 November 2020.

James Salmon, Operations Director.
Lock-down 2.0, business confidence, the economic gap, furlough, redundancies, covid-19, market and other business news.
Here are CPA we want to share the business news stories we have seen that we think will affect our members and readers. Many of us are busy fighting to protect our businesses and therefore might have missed some of the news that could impact small businesses, their owners and those that sell on credit.
Lockdown 2.0 to cost £1.8bn a day, says economist
Economist Douglas McWilliams, founder of the Centre for Economics and Business Research, has warned that the four-week lock-down 2.0 starting in England on Thursday will wipe £1.8bn off the value of the economy for every day it lasts. He also said the economic pressure is set to stretch beyond year end, meaning the recession brought on by the pandemic is likely to last until spring 2021.
Business leaders voice lock-down 2.0 fears
Businesses have warned of the impact the nationwide restrictions under lock-down 2.0 announced by the Prime Minister will have, saying England’s second coronavirus lockdown could prove a devastating blow to business communities.
Adam Marshall, director general of British Chambers in Commerce, said market confidence has been “hit hard by the unclear, stop-start approach” taken by officials during the pandemic, adding: “Many firms are in a much weaker position now than at the start of the pandemic, making it far more challenging to survive extended closures.”
Mr Marshall added that while the temporary extension of the furlough scheme “will bring short-term relief to many firms”, details of the full financial support package for businesses facing hardship “must immediately be clarified and communicated.”
Confederation of British Industry director-general Dame Carolyn Fairbairn said that while f irms share ministers’ ambition of defeating COVID-19, “for many businesses, a second national lock-down marks the start of a bleak midwinter.”
She added that “with the right support firms will do everything possible to minimise the damage”, while noting that some sectors “may need more tailored support”.
Business confidence falls
Analysis by Lloyds Bank shows that British business confidence has fallen for the first time in five months, with the increasing rate of coronavirus infections and subsequent restrictions designed to slow the spread of the virus having an impact. The bank’s business barometer, which polled 1,200 businesses, fell by seven points to -18, with the services sector driving the decline, although confidence among manufacturers and retailers improved slightly. Lloyds Bank economist Hann-Ju Ho noted that as well as concerns over the pandemic, businesses are also worried over a possible no-deal Brexit.
A third of firms warn economic gap between regions has widened
A BDO poll of 500 medium-sized businesses saw 30% say the coronavirus pandemic has already widened the economic gap between the UK’s regions, while 38% believe disruption caused by the outbreak will slow down the levelling-up progress. Martin Bell, head of tax for BDO in Scotland, said: “The government needs to take a local approach to supporting regional mid-sized businesses to navigate the months ahead.” The survey also found that the biggest concern among firms is cashflow.
Figures from the Office of National Statistics showed 7.5% of the UK workforce over 2m people are receiving support on the furlough scheme as at 18th October sharply down from the peak of 8.9m in early May 2020.
America broke its single-day record for new covid-19 cases with more than 91,000 new infections on Thursday. Over 9 million or 3% of the US population have now had the virus.
Furlough scheme extended at 80% rate
The Prime Minister has confirmed that the furlough scheme will be extended for a further month after England was placed under a four-week lock-down 2.0 in an effort to bring down the rate of coronavirus infections. The Chancellor confirmed that the scheme will cover 80% of wages capped at £2,500 per month before tax during the new lockdown 2.0. This matches the original rate set out in March, not the version that had been in operation until yesterday which paid 60% of wages and saw businesses pay 20%. Before the nationwide lockdown, the Job Retention Scheme had been set to be replaced by the Job Support Scheme, with this set to have been worth 49% of wages. Jonathan Geldart, director-general of the Institute of Directors, said: “Reinstating furlough is absolutely the right decision, and should bring relief to many businesses.”
Business groups question furlough plan
British Chambers of Commerce director general Adam Marshall has voiced concern that extending the furlough scheme by a month may not be enough to support firms as England enters the new four-week lock-down 2.0, warning: “Business communities enter a second lockdown in a much weaker position than they did the first”.
Mike Cherry, national chairman of the Federation of Small Businesses, said smaller firms face “severe challenges” deciding whether to retain or lay-off staff. With Cabinet Office Minister Michael Gove yesterday saying tlock-down 2.0 could be extended beyond December 2, Mr Cherry called on ministers to “remain responsive to circumstances” and be “open-minded” on the end date of the furlough scheme.
Meanwhile, Blick Rothenberg’s Heather Self has warned that extending the Job Retention Scheme may have come too late to save some jobs. With the extension co nfirmed on Saturday as the Prime Minister announced the England-wide lock-down 2.0,
Ms Self said: “Employers are supposed to agree any changes to employees’ contracts in advance – how are they supposed to do that at six hours’ notice at a weekend?” She added that while the additional support for firms was welcome, “the change may well come too late to save jobs.”
Major firms cut 184k jobs amid pandemic
Large British companies have cut around 183,900 jobs this year, with the coronavirus crisis delivering a wave of job losses. With the Government’s furlough scheme was due to com to an end in October and many firms scheduled redundancies to cut costs as the scheme ended. Despite furlough now being extended, those redundancies are not being cancelled. While unemployment has reached a three-year high of 4.5%, the Bank of England predicts it could hit 7.5% by year end. The Federation of Small Businesses yesterday called on ministers to offer greater support to firms, with national chairman Mike Cherry saying its small business index shows that 30% of employers expect to make some staff redundant in the next three months. “That is the scale of concern and uncertainty that small firms are faced with for their busin esses, with many letting staff go for the very first time,” he added.
Tax experts warn on HMRC move up creditors ladder
The Chartered Institute of Taxation has warned that a policy which moves HMRC higher up the list of creditors in insolvencies could see more firms go bust and other creditors lose out.
The UK should extend insolvency protection
Roger Barker of the Institute of Directors believes the wrongful trading suspension should be reinstated amid tightened coronavirus restrictions, saying insolvency protections have been a “crucial aspect” of Government support.
Pandemic sees business loans jump
A report from EY Item Club suggests net borrowing by UK companies is expected to be more than five times higher this year than in 2019.
With the coronavirus crisis driving firms to take loans as revenues and cashflow took a hit, banks had issued £43.2bn up until August, far exceeding the £8.8bn borrowed in the whole of last year.
The report predicts that most businesses will only start repaying this debt and cut borrowing from 2022. EY’s Omar Ali comments: “Banks are facing squeezed interest margins, slow growth in consumer credit and increased write-offs on loans. ” EY predicts that banks will have to write off 2.5% of loans to consumers next year – up from 1.3% this year.
Covid-19 general news
The UK reported more than 20,000 cases for a seventh straight day with 23,254 new cases on Sunday and over a million in total cases.
Global cases passed 46.5 million and deaths passed 1.2 million with 446,707 new cases on Sunday.
PM, Boris Johnson announced on Saturday that England will return to lock-down 2.0, entering a four-week lock-down from November 5th. The action was necessary in the face of rising numbers of covid infections and hospital admissions, which have not been rising quickly. The lock-down 2.0 rules will be less strict than in the spring, with schools and universities, and some workplaces, staying open.
Cabinet Office Minister Michael Gove said the month-long partial lockdown might have to be extended if it fails to contain the spread of the coronavirus.
The UK’s drugs regulator has reportedly begun an accelerated review of coronavirus vaccine candidates developed by Astrazeneca and Pfizer. Latest reports suggested that the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) have already commenced ongoing reviews of both vaccines.
The World Health Organization’s director-general is in self-quarantine after coming into contact with someone who tested positive.
US stocks fell on Friday with technology taking a bashing as investors positioned themselves ahead of the electio and the growing fears over the new wave of covid-19. The S&P 500 fell 1.21% but the NASDAQ fell 2.45%. The FTSE 100 was steady down just 0.1% and European markets fared similarly. Oil fell on concerns for demand while gold rose. Asian Markets rose today, as data showed China’s manufacturing activity grew in October.
Bank of England expected to boost bond buying
Economists expect the Bank of England (BoE) to unveil a £100bn bond buying spree as the country goes into national lock-down 2.0, with the Bank forecast to boost the economy by expanding its quantitative easing programme. The potential increase in bond purchases will take the Bank’s balance sheet of government and corporate debt to a record £845bn. Talk of additional bond buying comes as fears of a double-dip recession intensify, with concern over the pressure lock-down 2.0 will put on the economy. Capital Economics economist Ruth Gregory has warned that a UK-wide lockdown would “cause GDP to shrink again, perhaps significantly in the fourth quarter”. Analysts at HSBC suggest bond-buying operations are “running out of room”, increasing the likelihood that the BoE could turn to negative interest rates.
Policymakers likely to opt for QE, not a rate rethink
The Bank of England’s monetary policy committee (MPC) is set to consider the impact the four-week lockdown in England could have on the economy before its latest policy announcement on Thursday. The first nationwide lockdown saw the economy shrink by 20% in April, and Gerard Lyons, an economic adviser to Boris Johnson during his time as London mayor, believes that while the economy will not contract as much as it did in the initial lockdown, “it will still be significant, possibly as much as 7.5%-10%”. Paul Dales, chief UK economist at Capital Economics, said he is expecting GDP to fall by 5% in November. “The economy is likely to show zero growth or even have a small decline in the fourth quarter of the year,” he added, while warning the issue “has all the signs of a double-dip recession”. Elsewhere, Howard Archer, chief economic adviser to EY Item Club, said output was likely to contract by 5% to 8% in Q4, commenting: “There seems little doubt a renewed national lockdown will cause the economy to contract in the fourth quarter – and very possibly by an appreciable amount”. The Guardian suggests that the MPC is unlikely to reduce interest rates, which currently sit at 0.1%, and is instead likely to expand its quantitative easing programme. This, argues Oxford Economics’ Martin Beck, could “boost sentiment” in financial markets and among businesses and consumers
The Eurozone bounced back in the third quarter of the year, according to new official figures. Economic activity for the region as a whole was 12.7% higher than in the previous period. However, growth was not enough to reverse the declines in the first half of 2020 – there was a 11.8% drop in the 2nd quarter alone. . France led the surge, with its economy growing 18.2%, while Spain (16.7%) and Italy (16.1%) also saw large gains.
US Consumers
US Personal Spending rose 1.4% in September and personal income rose 0.9%, according to data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The market had been expecting more modest increases, of 1.0% and 0.3%, respectively.
Retailers better placed for lock-down 2.0
The Sunday Telegraph looks at the impact the new England-wide lock-down 2.0 could have on the retail sector, citing Lisa Hooker, consumer markets leader at PwC, who says that while retailers are better prepared to deal with lock-down 2.0, consumer confidence could be hit.
Hotel hit to stretch to 2022
The Sunday Times considers the impact the pandemic has had on international travel and businesses linked to it, noting that a Deloitte poll of hotel businesses shows that 95% do not expect performance to return to pre-coronavirus levels until 2022.
EFL clubs owe £77m in taxes
Figures show that clubs in the English Football League account for around £77m in unpaid taxes. Around £59m of the tax debt is owed by clubs in the Championship, with more than £13m due from those in League One and close to £5m owed by from those in League Two.
Sainsbury’s has launched a trial with Deliveroo in the latest partnership for the delivery app, which has seen demand for groceries soar during the pandemic. Sainsbury’s will offer the on-demand delivery service from its North End Crescent convenience story in Hammersmith, before expanding the trial to a further nine branches across the UK.
Pension pot withdrawals up 6%
HMRC figures show that 347,000 people withdrew from their pension pots in July, August and September – a 6% rise on the same period last year. Despite the increase in withdrawals, the average amount taken out was £6,700 – a 7% drop on the previous year. Former pensions minister Baroness Ros Altmann issued a warning over people taking money from their pension in their 50s and 60s, saying: “We’ll have a whole generation of pensioners in poverty in future and that’s the real risk.” Jon Greer of Quilter said the rise suggested more people needed additional cash to see them through the crisis, while Steven Cameron of Aegon warned: “Pensions are designed to provide an income throughout retirement and reducing the amount of income withdrawn during a period of down turn could be important for the longevity of the pension pot.”
CMA looks to protect start-ups from takeovers
The Competition and Markets Authority is planning to block large tech firms from snapping up start-ups that have the potential to grow into rivals. While the competition watchdog tends only to step in where there is a strong probability that a deal could harm competition, new plans would see it intervene in cases where the damage to competition is less certain. Under the plans, the watchdog could also demand that the likes of Google, Facebook and Amazon hand over their business plans when they launch takeover bids for smaller entities.
Mortgage holidays extended
Mortgage payment holidays have been extended by three months in the wake of England being placed under the national lock-down 2.0. The Financial Conduct Authority says borrowers who have not yet requested a payment deferral can do so for up to six months, while those who already have a payment deferral in place can extend it for up to six months. “It may also be in the interests of mortgage borrowers who expect to have long-term financial difficulties to agree other forms of tailored support with their lender,” the FCA added. A spokesman for the FCA said it will work with trade bodies and lenders on how to implement the extension “as quickly as possible”. The City watchdog is also considering whether to apply a similar extension to high-cost credit.
FCA to detail loan support measures
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) will today offer greater details of an extension to the mortgage holiday scheme, with the initiative set to have expired on Saturday but extended due to the national lock-down 2.0 announced for England. The FCA has already said that those who have yet to apply for a mortgage holiday can request a pause on repayments of up to six months, while those who have already agreed to defer payments can extend it until they reach the six-month limit.
Tax rises could cover pandemic costs
Nimesh Shah, CEO at Blick Rothenberg, says that with the UK’s debt now greater in size than the economy, a 1% increase in income tax, national insurance and VAT would be the “easiest mechanism” for the Chancellor to raise money as the country looks to foot the coronavirus bill. Writing in the Express on saturday, he says adding 1% to each rate of income tax would raise approximately £5.7bn, while the same increase across national insurance and VAT would raise £6.4bn and £7.2bn, respectively. However, Mr Shah notes that such increases would break the triple lock pledge made by the Conservatives and be likely to draw “severe political challenge” from the opposition. On alternative options, Mr Shah notes that a new wealth tax has been strongly rumoured, as have increases to capital gains tax and changes to the inheritance tax regime. Mr Shah predicts that Rishi Sunak will announce increases to income tax, national insurance and capital gains tax in autumn 2021, with the increases taking effect from April 2022
House prices up 5.8% year-on-year
Figures from Nationwide show house prices have risen at their fastest pace in almost six years, jumping 5.8% year-on-year in October. This marks the highest rate of growth since January 2015. Month-on-month, prices were up 0.8%, with the average house price hitting a new record high of £227,826. Nationwide’s chief economist, Robert Gardner, says the outlook remains “highly uncertain”, saying much depends on how the coronavirus pandemic and measures to contain it play out. He also suggested the “efficacy of policy measures implemented to limit the damage to the wider economy” will have an impact. Mr Gardner says activity is “likely to slow” in the coming quarters, “perhaps sharply”, adding that the end of the stamp duty holiday in March 2021 will be a factor.
Deltic up for sale
Deltic Group, the UK’s largest nightclub owner, has put itself up for sale having been driven to the brink of collapse by the COVID-19 pandemic. The business has begun a sale process while it considers other options, including a CVA. The group recently brought in BDO to explore potential options. More than 10 potential buyers, many of them private equity firms, are said to have expressed interest in Deltic.
EWM seeks rescue deal
Edinburgh Woollen Mill is looking to secure a rescue deal and prevent it from collapsing this week. The firm, which owns Peacocks, Austin Reed, Bonmarché and Jaeger, is in talks with potential investors, as well as groups that are keen on buying parts of its business. Sources say that if owner Philip Day fails to agree a rescue deal by Friday, administrators from FRP will be appointed. This could put more than 20,000 jobs at risk.
Don’t let Covid-19 bust your business!
It will if your cash flow dries up, either sooner or later.
The Credit Protection Association (CPA) has been assisting thousands of UK businesses to get paid since 1914. We have seen many financial crises, this one will be particularly deadly for suppliers for sometime to come.
CPA eases cash from tardy debtors – Efficiently, Effectively, Economically and Ethically. Above all tactfully, because maintenance of goodwill is paramount.
To meet the needs of creditors in the current crisis, we have designed a “critical care” package especially tailored for the situation.
- The annual package costs start at very low rates
- A minimum performance warranty is provided
- Several complimentary services included
Clients instruct CPA on-line via their PC or phone, completely user-friendly. Your late paying customers are told to pay you direct (not to us).
A very recent report shows a 23% increase in the number of unpaid invoices since March 11th THIS YEAR – are you getting a build-up of late payers?
Right now, overdue accounts must be a concern and CPA has a great track record of encouraging slow-payers to pay their suppliers quickly.
It takes less than 17 minutes to see how you would benefit, do you have the time now?
No face-to-face meeting required – just call Peter Uwins, CPA’s National Sales Manager, on 020 8846 0000 (business hours) or email nsm@cpa.co.uk today.
When you see your money come in, you will be so glad you used CPA.
Do you sell on credit?
With pressures on the cash flow it is essential that you stay on top of the credit limits you grant customers and watch carefully for any late payments.
Those customers will look for the easiest option to boost their cash-flow. Don’t let it be you.
You can’t just assume your customers can and will pay you eventually, no matter how big their name is.
It is essential to have credit management systems in place to monitor and check your customers credit worthiness.
It is also best practice to use a trusted third party like CPA to make sure you are paid on time by customers, no matter how good a name they have.
About CPA
The Credit Protection Association can help!
Formed in 1914, CPA has been providing credit management services to SMEs for over 100 years.
At the Credit Protection Association, we provide first class credit information that can help you avoid being over extended to customers who are at risk. Our monitoring service can flag up warning signs long before the end, giving you the chance to adjust and reduce your exposure. We provide recommended credit limits and credit scores on a traffic light system and can help you set appropriate credit policies for your customers.
We regularly publish lists of the latest insolvencies but by then it is too late. Our credit reports however predict approximately 96% of company insolvencies long before they arrive.
Companies in trouble usually have very bad cash flow and they try to deal with it by delaying payment to their suppliers, increasing your exposure to them.
If you supply on credit, help us help you identify the risks.
Why use a third party collector?
As a third party collector, we can also get your payments prioritised over those who are not as hot on collections. When your customer receives a letter from the Credit Protection Association regarding their outstanding account, they are going to want to get that resolved as a priority. Our overdue account recovery service can get your unpaid invoices to the top of their “to do” list and get your invoice paid.
Over the years we have collected billions in overdue invoices for our customers.
Our debt recovery and credit management services give our members the financial freedom needed to grow and prosper, while our new Late Payment Compensation department could unlock hidden potential and offer the compensation needed to springboard your business to success.
You might be hesitant about contacting a debt collection agency. What are they going to be like?
Can they help your particular type of business?
There is no need for concern. CPA are courteous, helpful and very probably have had direct experience of working with your type of business.
Debt collection agencies are not all alike.
Success lies in both recovering money and keeping customers happy. The Credit Protection Association was founded in 1914 and has helped tens of thousands of UK businesses to collect outstanding payments and reduce the risk of incurring bad debt. We believe that creditors deserve to be paid for the work or goods they have supplied but we fully understand the need to maintain
the best possible relationship with customers!
At The Credit Protection Association, we provide solutions, advice and back-up in all areas relating to the supply of services or goods on account. Client-members receive everything they need from a single source to reduce debtor days and write-offs.
The Credit Protection Association has helped has assisted tens of thousands of UK businesses with their credit control requirements, since the First World War.
We are polite, firm and efficient when it comes to recovering outstanding debt.
“We have used CPA for a number of years now. The website is easy to navigate around with lots of helpful reports. The staff are always at hand and very friendly. CPA has helped us reduce our debt over the years and keep track of potential issues with our customers.”
~ CPA client in Buckinghamshire
“The service from CPA has proved to be everything that you said it would be. We have already seen a huge benefit. We have had a number of overdue accounts paid promptly and directly to us. It is also a huge weight off our mind to know that once we have passed an overdue payment over to you, you take care of everything whilst keeping us informed.
~ Credit Controller client in Warrington
The Credit Protection Association – Prompting Punctual Payments – Ethical, Effective, Efficient, Economical collections
Ready to speak to an advisor?
For help or advice on credit management, entirely without obligation.
Call us today
0330 053 9263
CPA is passionate about late payment
The Credit Protection Association has been protecting smaller firms against poor payment practices for over 100 years.
We are extremely passionate about breaking the late payment culture that holds back the UK economy and threatens many SMEs, with cash flow difficulties being the single biggest killer of Britain’s small businesses.
If you were regularly paid late we can help. Those former customers used you to boost their own cashflow, regularly paying you late.
As a result you had extra costs, you had the distraction of having to chase payment, you had opportunity costs because your capital was tied up in their late invoices.
Under little used legislation, you are entitled to compensation for those late payments.
You put up with the PAIN – now claim the GAIN!
Now you can boost your own cash-flow.
CPA can help unearth the those hidden treasures.
We have the technology to reveal the compensation you are due and we have the extensive experience and expertise to then turn those claims into cash.
Did you know that your business is entitled to a minimum of £40 for every commercial invoice paid late to you over the past 6 years?
How many of your invoices are paid late each month – 20, 50, 100 or more?
At £40 per invoice that’s claim of £57,600, £144,000, £288,000 plus interest. The more invoices the bigger the claim!
At £100 per invoice it’s £144,000, £360,000, £720,000 plus interest.
For over 20 years, CPA has calculated and recovered Late Payment Compensation on behalf of Clients!
Yes, CPA can help you boost your business cash-flow.
Don’t let your bankers control you, contact CPA today.
The Credit Protection Association – Prompting Punctual Payments – Ethical, Effective, Efficient, Economical collections.
Do you realise you could be sitting on a fortune?
Late payments often result in a cash flow crunch and leave SMEs in need of a cash injection.
If you sold B2B on credit then there may be a hidden source of capital you can call on.
If you fancy an extra bit of extra cash in your business, rather than jumping through hoops with your bank, you could look to uncover the resources from an unexpected source within your own business.
Not many are aware but there could be a hidden fortune within your business, sitting there, just waiting to be uncovered and released.
We can help you uncover the pile of gold, you didn’t even know you were sitting on.
If you trade with other businesses and were often paid late then you could be entitled to significant compensation.
Under little known and under-utilised legislation your business could be due huge amounts in compensation that you didn’t even know about.
Let’s be clear – this is not a way to weaken any customer relationships you value. It is one that identifies who’s been paying late and then recover the potentially significant sums in compensation using Late Payment Legislation from businesses where the relationship has already ended.
You can pick and choose who you want us to follow up – but once we’ve agreed which companies you’d like to pursue compensation from it’s a fast process and there’s no financial outlay to you whatsoever. My team at CPA put its expertise to work to recover the compensation due and fight late payment culture.
That compensation could provide the cash boost your business needed.
But don’t delay, that compensation evaporates if not claimed within six years of the late payment.
How can CPA help?
CPA has developed a unique technology to dig into your accounting records and discover the cash injection you are due by means of compensation. The software does all the hard work. Our software interacts over the cloud with over 300 different software packages, working directly with your accounts package, just so long as it’s stored on a computer.
We recognise that most companies do not have the resources to spend time on the identification and calculation of Late Payment Compensation. Our service can produce an Analyses within just a few days with (usually) less than 30 mins of co-operation from our clients. We work directly with over 300 accounting packages but can also work with bespoke accounts packages. Indeed, speed is essential as the oldest invoices may fall foul of the 6-year time limit.
Once the Sales Ledger Analyses is made available to clients, all that is required is that management decide which commercially sensitive ex-customers to remove from the list and return it to us.
CPA then uses its years of collection experience to explain and recover the Late Payment Compensation Claims. Clients do not handle any part of the recovery process as our team will take all communications from the companies against who the claims has been made. Often, it’s simply a case of explaining the legislation, sometimes we have to go all the way and enforce the legislation through the courts.
The result is that we are realising clients’ claims worth tens and sometimes hundreds of thousands of pounds which, of course, is pure net profit. You may also be among the recipients of “hundreds of thousands of pounds” should you elect to take advantage of our services.
We do the work, you receive the cash.
If you have supplied goods and services to businesses on credit and were regularly paid late then you could be due significant sums in late payment compensation.
We are talking to companies and unearthing claims in the hundreds of thousands from former business customers who paid them late. Large business customers who abused their power to inflict unfair and sometimes illegal payment practices.
We are helping business owners who are looking to boost the returns from their business before they retire. We are helping businesses who have lost major clients after years of loyal service to get properly compensated for systematic late payment. We are helping companies that were looking to close down, who looked insolvent and finding that cash injection they need to avoid insolvency.
Those former clients who regularly paid you late can finally be made to pay.
Ready to speak to an advisor?
For help or advice on credit management, entirely without obligation.
Call us today
0330 053 9263
The Credit Protection Association is a credit management company established in 1914. If you supply goods or services on credit then we can help you!
The Credit Protection Association – Prompting Punctual Payments – Ethical, Effective, Efficient, Economical collections.
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The Credit Protection Association – Prompting Punctual Payments – Ethical, Effective, Efficient, Economical collections.