
Does work interfere with your smartphone use?

84% of British employees clock up an average of 120 hours a year on their smartphones while they are at work, according to new data compiled by the gadgets and technology retailer, LaptopsDirect.co.uk.

44% of them said that their workplace permitted ‘reasonable’ use of their phones – although the survey did not disclose whether or not they considered the equivalent of 3 working weeks a year to be ‘reasonable’.

14% have been told off for using their phones at work but only 4% have been disciplined for using their own phones at work.

Mark Kelly, marketing director of LaptopsDirect.co.uk, has no doubts about the impact of smartphone use at work and the difficulty in policing it. He commented

“Although companies monitor and prohibit the use of social media during the working day, the research shows that there is still a large amount of people continuing to use their device.

“Use of smartphones and social media in the workplace can lead to hundreds of thousands of hours in lost productivity per year, which could cost UK companies millions of pounds.”

Other findings from the survey include

  • 78% regularly respond to text messages while at work
  • 59% take personal calls
  • 52% use Whatsapp and Facebook
  • 9% have sent a Snapchat from their workplace
  • 38% regularly check their social media accounts


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